Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Great Pumpkin "Try It"- October 18, 2008

On Saturday, we had a great time in Boston at the Pumpkin Festival. The Festival is a fundraiser for Camp Sunshine, a camp for children with life threatening illness and their families. Every year, at festivals throughout the northeast, Camp Sunshine sets out to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the most lit jack-o-lanterns in one place. The fees for food, music, and entertainment go to support their programming. We supported their efforts by helping to move the pumpkins from the carving station and set up them up for lighting later in the day. It required great teamwork and cooperation, as we worked in partners to accomplish our mission. Sampling the pumpkin pie and pumpkin ice cream after lunch was the great end to a productive and fun trip.

It's a lot easier to move pumpkins with a partner!

September Kayaking

Testing a Paddle

Our kayak weekend trip was a true lesson in flexible planning. We had the unfortunate luck to choose the rainiest weekend of the season for our adventure. The group took a vote, and majority didn't rule-the group was split half and half. So, the half of the group that preferred to be dry, enjoyed a water themed Omni film at the Museum of Science-and lunch at the Science cafe, while the half that was willing to brave the elements-even with the risk of a "New England style monsoon"-tried their hand at kayaking. Lucky for the kayakers-after the first 10 minutes, we had a break in the rain. We paddled around Hopkinton State Park, stopping to explore an island or two. Lunch was a tasty treat-and the "paddle mix" (aka trail mix) was great along the way.

On the water

A Day In The City

We had a great time visiting TOMB-and interactive egyptian adventure in the Fenway section of Boston in May. The boys group continued the theme by following a "trail" of videoclip clues--their destination-PIZZA. The girls group enjoyed lunch at a local Mexican restaurant-some of us tried fried plantains for the first time. The verdict- yum-o!